Importance of information (word from the founder)

I (Andrew Lisgarten Founder) am a big believer in the quote from the Bible that is:

Wisdom is worth more than silver; it brings more profit than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you could want is equal to it. Proverbs  3:14-15 NCV

And thus for me understanding a problem is the beginning of the process to solving the problem, and sharing information , advice and experience can be more valuable then money.  I’m also a believer that the problems of people in need are not going to be solved by one foundation or a just and handful of people but rather as a society working together. With this in mind the aim of Foundation Futprints is that through the process of sharing information about various marginalised groups we can :

  • Give vulnerable and marginalised  people information to help prevent and deal with their various difficult situations.
  • Show the amazing work of other organisations.
  • Inspire you to be a part of the process of change.

The areas that we are planning of providing information are:

  • Homelessness.
  • Unemployment.
  • Human Trafficking.
  • Immigration.
  • Disabilities.
  • Civil rights, Entitlements and Prevention of Scamming.