According to the report of the Social Welfare Centre in Katowice, there are about 694 homeless people in the capital of Upper Silesia. Many of these homeless people live in not specifically designated for living such as squats, stairways and on the street, more than half of them use lodging houses and shelters for the homeless. These institutions are run by various organisations, both public and non-governmental. Foundation Futprints established contact with all organisations who run shelters for the homeless in Katowice. The aim of this cooperation is to enable us to carry out survey among as many people without a permanent place of residence as possible (living both in shelters and “on the street”). Another aim is to get to know them and their abilities – interests, skills, experience etc… This information will also allow us to plan and develop current and future projects.
By the 8th April 2016 we had completed the survey among people living in the shelters on Sądowa Street and on Sienkiewicz Street. We have also started to curry out the surveys at the shelter (dom noclegowy Towarzystwa im. Brata Alberta przy ul Brackiej 18) and at the Social Welfare Hotel for women and children (Hotel Pomocy Społecznej przy ul. 7a Orkana ).
Cooperation with the organisations who run these institutions has been enlightening but nonetheless pleasant; and it’s been encouraging that we can work together with a common goal.