On this page we aim to give you the most up to date information on Corona virus (Covid-19) rules and regulations in Poland. We’ve created this page because it’s not always easy for internationals to find up to date information if they don’t speak Polish. If you have questions or looking for different information you can always check out the Government website https://www.gov.pl/web/coronavirus or click the links and use google translate 😀 p.s I’m not a lawyer or an official translator so please don’t blame me for any mistakes . Editor Andrew Lisgarten President of the Board of Directors 🙂
New rules for covering the nose and mouth, open cinemas and gyms – we are entering the next stage.
27/05/2020 – https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/4-etap-odmrazania
The fourth stage of lifting restrictions related to COVID-19 is ahead of us. From May 30, we do not need to cover the nose and mouth in the open – but only if we can keep 2 meters distance from others. However, masks will be necessary in some confined spaces, including in shops, churches, buses and trams. In addition, we open cinemas, theaters, gyms and massage salons, but in strict sanitary regime. We also enable weddings up to 150 people. Although we are moving away from many restrictions, one rule will remain valid. We will still have to be especially careful when dealing with others.
Description against navy blue background: stage IV of removing restrictions associated with COVID-19
Lifting further restrictions on COVID-19 is possible because in most voivodships the number of cases is falling. We are also constantly observing the epidemic situation and monitoring the efficiency of health care – especially the number of available beds and respirators. On this basis, we make responsible decisions. What are the new security rules?
If in the open space you have the opportunity to keep 2 meters distance from others, you do not need to cover your mouth and nose. So you can walk, ride a bike, walk on the street, park, beach or parking lot without a mask – but only if you keep the right social distance.
Warning! If you are not able to keep a 2-meter distance from others in the open air – for example, on a crowded pavement – then you need to cover your mouth and nose. It’s about our common security.
Let us remember! The obligation to maintain a 2-meter social distance excludes parents with children who need care (up to 13 years of age), people living together, disabled people, people who cover their mouths and nose.
Here you have to cover your mouth and nose!
There are places where you must cover your mouth and nose. Those are:
buses and trams,
cinemas and theaters,
massage and tattoo parlors,
offices (if you are going to settle some matter to the office).
Additional places where it will be necessary to cover the mouth and nose will be determined by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
Exceptions. Where do you need to cover your mouth and nose?
At work – if the employer ensures adequate distances between positions and meets sanitary requirements.
In a restaurant or bar – when you take your seat at the table.
We abolish the limits of people in the trade and catering industry. Until now, in a shop, restaurant, market, service center or post office, there must have been a certain area or number of windows per person. From May 30, this rule will cease to apply.
Talks are currently underway with sports associations about the limit of people at stadiums.
Warning! In catering establishments, there must still be an adequate distance between the tables. And customers must wear face masks before they sit at the table. All sanitary guidelines also apply – including hand and table disinfection.
Important! Remember that there is still an obligation to cover your nose and mouth in the store, market and post office. And in the store also mandatory hand disinfection or wearing gloves.
Religious ceremonies and funerals
The abolition of restrictions will also cover churches and other places of worship. Here, the limit of persons will also cease to apply from Saturday, May 30. Similarly with funeral ceremonies – the current limit of 50 people will not apply.
Important! In churches and temples, the faithful must cover their mouths and nose.
Outdoor gatherings and outdoor concerts up to 150 people (from May 30)
From Saturday, May 30, the organization of gatherings and open-air concerts, in which up to 150 people take part, is allowed in open spaces. Participants must, however, cover their mouths and nose or maintain a 2-meter social distance.
Important! Sanepid will present recommendations where, due to the epidemiological situation, gatherings or outdoor concerts should not take place. The final decision, however, belongs to the competent local government unit.
Weddings and other family celebrations (from June 6)
We also enable the organization of weddings and family celebrations, in which up to 150 people participate.
Warning! Wedding guests do not have to wear face masks.
From May 30, restaurants and hotel bars can be opened and serve meals to guests. From June 6, however, swimming pools, gyms and fitness clubs can start operating in hotels.
Hotel owners must, however, follow certain sanitary rules.
From June 6, activity may resume under certain sanitary conditions:
cinemas, theaters, operas, ballet,
swimming pools, gyms, fitness clubs,
13/05/2020 We remove further restrictions – From the 18th of May you can go to the hairdressers, cosmeticians and restaurants. Translated from https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/3etap
The third, penultimate stage of lifting restrictions related to coronavirus is ahead of us. From Monday, May 18th, you will be able to use the services of a hairdresser and cosmetician, as well as go to a restaurants and cafes. You will reach these places faster because we are raising the passenger limit on public transport. In addition, from the 25th of May 25, we will enable direct consultation with teachers, high school graduates and pupils of the eighth grade, as well as care for pupils in grades 1-3 (in primary schools). We’re slowly going back to a normal life. However, it will not be like before the pandemic. Therefore, let us take care of ourselves and be careful!
The first loosening of restrictions imposed due to a pandemic occurred on April 20. Since then, we have been carefully analysing how the lifting of individual restrictions affects the increase in the incidence and efficiency of healthcare. What will change in the near future with entering the third stage of lifting restrictions?
Business activities – we will allow the opening of beauty and hair salons and restaurants
From May 18 you will be able to:
- use the services of beauticians and hairdressers,
- eat in a restaurant, cafe, bar, as well as in a shopping center (in a separate gastronomic space).
- Important! The guest will be able to eat a meal both in the hall, inside and in the restaurant garden.
The full opening of the catering industry must take place subject to strict sanitary guidelines that ensure safety and service for customers. These principles were determined during consultations with representatives of individual industries.
Recommendations for beauty salons include:
the obligation for clients to wear masks, goggles or visors (at the hairdresser’s and in the beauty salon – if the procedure allows it);
using disposable towels where possible;
accepting clients by appointment by phone or online.
Warning! The customer cannot wait for the service in the waiting room.
The requirements and recommendations for gastronomy include:
limit of people in the premises (there must be at least 4 m2 per person);
table disinfection after each client;
2 m distance between tables. Important! Table tops can be moved away from each other by 1 m, provided that the tables are separated by partitions with a minimum height of 1 m above the table top;
maintaining a distance of 1.5 m from guests sitting at separate tables;
wearing masks and gloves by chefs and catering staff.
Important! Restaurant guests can take off their masks if they are already sitting at the tables.
All sanitary guidelines for specific industries can be found here: (they are in Polish but I’m sure google translate can help)
beauty salons
hair salons
Social life – care in schools for the youngest, consultations with teachers and changes in public transport
CHILDCARE AND EDUCATION (from May 18, from May 25 and from June 1)
The rules related to childcare and education will change. From May 18, it will be possible to conduct classes:
- practical in post-secondary schools,
- revalidation and upbringing as well as early development support and specialist revalidation.
- On Monday, May 18, institutions and facilities with accommodation and care and educational activities will also be opened. These are e.g. youth hostels, sports centers or community centers.
From May 25, we will enable:
- Childcare and educational classes in grades 1-3 of primary school
Warning! Care and upbringing classes can be combined with classes. We maintain the obligation to implement the core curriculum. Depending on the situation at a given school, the principal will decide whether it will be full-time or distance learning methods and techniques. Soon the Ministry of National Education will provide details of sanitary guidelines for schools.
consultations/lessons with teachers in schools for high school graduates and students in 8 classes, mainly in subjects taken during exams. Consultations/lessons will be able to take place individually or in small groups.
Important! We extend the care allowance for parents of children under 8 years old.
From June 1 – lessons at schools with teachers for other students in all subjects.
Important! From May 17, children under the age of 13 will be able to leave the house without adult supervision!
We are raising the passenger limit in public transport. Thanks to this, on May 18, more people will be able to travel by bus, subway or tram at the same time. Public transport managers will decide whether to use this option. How many people will come on board?
As much as half the seating (as it is today)
or as much as 30% of the number of all seating and standing places (in this case, however, half of its seating
29/04/2020 Hotels, shopping centers and therapeutic rehabilitation will start on May 4th translated from https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/kolejny-etap
We are entering the second announced stage of lifting restrictions related to COVID-19. After May, shopping centers will open, construction stores will be open on weekends, and hotels will resume operations. However, this is not the end. Sick people will return to rehabilitation, and libraries and cultural institutions will be gradually opened after consultation with the Sanitary Inspector. We also introduce changes in the functioning of kindergartens (preschools) and nurseries. What else will change after the long May holiday weekend?
New normality: the next stage
The return to normality was divided into stages. The growth of the economy and everyday life of Poles depends on the development of the epidemic in the country. We are constantly observing the epidemic situation, analyzing the dynamics of the increase in cases, and also monitoring the efficiency of the health service. On this basis, we are making our decisions.
Business activities – open shopping centers and hotels
From Monday, May 4, 2020, we lift significant trade restrictions.
Shopping centers and large area stores open, but with a limited number of people and no meals.
Shopping facilities with a sales area of over 2,000 sq m – i.e. shopping centers, large-format stores – will be opened.
However, we are introducing a limit of people. There must be 15 sq m of retail space per person. Importantly – the sales area does not include the area of corridors.
Important! Fitness centers and recreational spaces (e.g. playgrounds) cannot operate in shopping centers. There cannot be any places where meals are eaten on site (the so-called food court).
Hotels and accommodation will start, but without swimming pools and gyms.
Until now, hotels have not generally accepted guests – except for delegated and quarantined persons. We lift this prohibition. Hotel and accommodation services may be provided provided that specific security rules are observed.
Important! The operation of hotel restaurants and recreational spaces – e.g. gyms, meeting rooms, swimming pools – is still limited in hotels and accommodation facilities.
Construction stores open on weekends
We are repealing the current trade ban on large-scale construction stores on weekends.
Social life – you will go to medical rehabilitation and to the museum
After May weekend, social life will also return to greater normality.
Libraries and museums
We are revoking the ban on libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities.
Important! Cultural institutions will be opened gradually and at different times. The authority running the given institution will decide about the specific date after consultation with the poviat sanitary and epidemiological station.
City Bicycles
After the May weekend we will be able to ride city bikes.
Medical rehabilitation
Sick people and people suffering from pain will be able to benefit from therapeutic rehabilitation from May 4th.
Massage parlors are still closed!
On May 6, we open nurseries and kindergartens – in exceptional cases, local governments may close them
Children of working parents will be able to return to nurseries or kindergartens. From Wednesday, May 6, the authorities running these institutions can open them, taking into account the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, as well as the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy.
Important! Due to the epidemiological situation, the leading authority may limit the size of the kindergarten group or limit the number of children under care in nurseries.
Important! A local government unit may close all nurseries and kindergartens in its area on the basis of existing general provisions.
Childcare allowance is paid to parents when:
- the kindergarten and nursery are closed by decision of the local government unit,
- when a nursery or kindergarten cannot provide care due to restrictions due to COVID-19.
Basics of new normality – the most important permanent safety principles
A gradual return to normality does not absolve us from applying basic safety principles. They must become the basis of our daily functioning.
What should you keep in mind ?
Keep 2 meters away from others in public spaces.
Cover your nose and mouth in public areas.
Work and learn remotely whenever possible.
Strictly follow sanitary rules in places where people are gathered (disinfection and maintaining a proper distance).
Quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected persons.
17/04/2020 The restrictions will be relaxed in 4 stages. (details from https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/nowa-normalnosc-etapy)
The Basics of new ‘normal’ important safety principles
Above all, we (the government) care about the continual protection of our citizens, which is why the the following health and safety rules will be come the new norm. These are:
- maintaining a 2-meter distance in public space from others,
- mandatory covering of the nose and mouth in public places,
- maintaining work and distance education wherever possible,
- strict compliance with sanitary rules in places where people are gathered (disinfection and maintaining a proper distance),
- quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected persons.
Economic activity – new rules in trade and services
From Monday 20 April, more people will shop in the shop at one time:
stores with an area of less than 100 m2 will enter a maximum of as many people as the number of all cash registers or payment points multiplied by 4. in stores with an area of more than 100 m2, there must be at least 15 m2 of space per 1 person Social life – open forests, recreation, older youth on the streets without adults
Movement for recreation
We will also enable movement for recreational purposes. What does it mean? From April 20 you will be able to enter the forests and parks, as well as run or ride a bike – if your mental condition depends on it. Remember, however, that you can stay outside only if you keep social distance and cover your face! Warning! Playgrounds are still closed!
Religious worship – 1 person per 15 m2. The number of people who will be able to attend mass or other religious rite will depend on the area of the temple. In the church, there will have to be at least 15 m2 of space for 1 person.
People over 13 years old on the street without adult supervision
Older people who are at least 13 years old will be able to move without adult supervision. However, she will need to keep a proper 2-meter distance from others and cover her mouth and nose.
Gradual removal of restrictions – subsequent dates determined after the analysis. The Ministry of Health will carry out weekly evaluation of changes that occur in security principles. The transition to further stages of removing the restrictions will depend on: increase in the number of cases (including the number of people in a severe condition), the efficiency of health care (especially in unidentified hospitals), implementation of sanitary guidelines by the responsible entities.
This means that we will be able to both speed up the introduction of new loosening and slow down changes!
What are the next planned stages of removing the restrictions?
Economic activity:
Opening of construction stores on weekends
Opening of hotels and other restricted places
Social life
Opening of some cultural institutions: libraries, museums and art galleries
Economic activity:
Opening of hairdressers and beauticians
Opening of stores in shopping malls with significant restrictions
Gastronomy – enabling stationary activities with restrictions
Social life
Sporting events up to 50 people (in an open space, without audience participation)
Organisation of childcare in nurseries, kindergartens and school classes 1-3 – set max. number of children in the room.
Economic activity:
Opening of massage parlors and solariums
Enable gym and fitness club activities
Social life, Theaters and cinemas in the new sanitary regime
The next stages of returning to normality will be introduced gradually when the incidence of infection increase in our country is low. This does not mean, however, that we should give up social discipline and comply with applicable restrictions. Let us remember that it depends on all of us how soon the next stages of returning to the new reality will be introduced!

Poland’s borders will remain closed until May 3rd. The health minister mentioned that the lock-down restrictions will remain until a vaccine is produced and given to public.
15.04.2020 Covering mouth and nose is obligatory from April 16th.
From April 16th onward, you will need to cover your nose and mouth when in public space. You can do this via surgical masks, or any other materials such as fabric or scarf. The rational is there are unknown number of people who are asymptomatic and are spreading the disease.
Other announcement include:
Schools to remain closed until at least April 26th.
Borders to remain closed until May 3rd
Personal note: Please cooperate with the authorities and do whatever you can to stop the spread of virus. i.e. distancing, wear masks, avoid crowds. Unless the infection rate goes down, we will be stuck at home. Please do your part, a bit of sacrifice now can help end the lock-down. Stay safe!
(thanks to Jasper Lin for the info)
01.04.2020 https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/funkcjonowanie-hoteli-i-zakladow-pracy-korekty-w-rozporzadzeniu
If you lived in the hotel before the entry introduction or rules on the March 31, you can finish your stay as planned. Other than that hotels can only stay open for :
- people in quarantine or isolation,
- medical staff,
- persons on a delegation and for those who use accommodation services as part of their duties (for example, construction workers),
- persons who were accommodated in the accommodation facility before March 31.
Workplaces – facilities for production lines
If the employer is not able to provide a minimum of 1.5m distance between employees for objective reasons – e.g. because the production line does not allow it – they have the right to depart from this principle, but only on condition that personal protective equipment is provided to combat the epidemic.
Exceptions during “senior hours” (10: 00-12: 00)
Petrol stations are excluded from the so-called “Hours for the senior”, which consists of serving from 10:00 to 12:00 only people over 65 years of age. They are also bound by the principle of “3 people for one cash desk” like other stores and service outlets.
Pharmacies, however, during these two hours will also be able to service those for whom the purchase of a drug or food for special purposes is necessary due to a sudden threat to life or health.
03.04.2020 New rule about entry to forests and national parks
In connection with the state of the corona virus epidemic, from 3 to 11 April there is a temporary ban on entry to forests, while National Parks remain closed. Gazeta prawna
31.03.2020 – New rules https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/kolejne-kroki
Hope you’re all doing well in these tough times and for those who don’t already know as of today there are new restrictions implemented by the government. https://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl I’ve translated the restrictions below.
The Prime Minister emphasized the need to maintain distance.
- When in public space you should keep a two meters distance from any other person, except for parents looking after children (under 13) or people with disabilities
- minors will be allowed to stay outside only under adult supervision;- parks, promenades and beaches are to be closed
- ban on renting city bikes
- Following places to remain closed: hairdressers, cosmetics, piercings and tattoos
- rehabilitation and massages – both in public and private facilities are suspended. The exceptions are situations in which rehabilitation is absolutely required by the patient’s state of health.
- a limit of people in supermarkets – a maximum of three people per one cash register
- Limit of people in the post-office is to limited to two people per one window marketplaces
- maximum of three people at one stand
- A requirement to put on disposable gloves when shopping
- At the weekends, DIY stores will be closed – grocery stores, pharmacies or drug stores will be open
- An obligation to disinfect devices touched by customers in stores, e.g. payment terminals
- pharmacies and shops from 10am to 12pm are only open to people over 65 years of age. Seniors will be able to shop all day, but these two hours have been set specifically for them to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection
- hotels and accommodation are closed – apart from places used for isolation or quarantine. The exception are hotels where construction workers are staying.
- 1.5 m distance between work stations and personal protective equipment must be guaranteed in workplaces
- medical and rehabilitation treatments that are unnecessary due to a coronavirus epidemic are being canceled.
- Passenger limit also on 9+ vehicles (from April 2, 2020)
In public transport, the principle “as many passengers as half as many seats in the vehicle” already applies. We also extend this requirement to vehicles with more than 9 seats, including private transport – e.g. delivering to work in an organized way, or private carriers.
EXAMPLE If there are 20 seats on the bus, a maximum of 10 people can enter the vehicle at one time.
Important! The restriction will come into force on Thursday, April 2, 2020 and does not apply to passenger cars for personal use.
Restrictions on the movement of all persons remain. You still can’t leave the house except:
- travel to work. If you are an employee, run your own business or farm, you have the right to get to your job. You also have the right to buy goods and services related to your professional activity.
- volunteering to fight COVID-19. If you work to fight the coronavirus and help those in need quarantined or who should not leave your home, you can move around as part of this activity.
- dealing with matters necessary for everyday life. You will be able to move around to do the necessary shopping, buy medicines, see a doctor, look after relatives and walk the dog.
If you have any questions regarding restrictions you can contact us via Email futprintspl@gmail.com or via facebook futprintspl
If you would like to know more about our work during this epidemia please check out or page what we’re doing
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