Reaching those in need where they are ..
The aim of our outreach work is to simply go and meet those in need and to build positive relationships with them over a cuppa tea and a bite to eat. At the moment we focus our outreach on Katowice town centre and local parks/squares. Every outreach walk varied and we never know who we’ll going to meet but we hope and pray it’ll be someone who truely needs their day brighting up. We always go out prepared with something to eat be it sandwiches , homemade cake or simply a pack of biskets .
If you would like to support us by donating products for handing out such as sandwiches, fruit, or cakes or you would like to join our volunteering team please get in contact. Please note we always aim to do our outreach work in pares our more experienced volunteers are more than happy to show you the ropes.

If you want to help us as a volunteer, please contact us.
If you want to support us financially during this difficult time:
Account number: 46 1600 1055 1842 1469 2000 0001
Please describe the transfer – ‘donation for statutory purposes’
You can also support us via Facebook just press the “Donate” button.
In addition to our work with the homeless we are continuing supporting Internationals living in and around Katowice. By providing information on changes in local laws and regulations link and running our Polish language cafe online link.