As a foundation we want to help and support internationals living in and around Katowice, so they can be feel part of the local community, intergrate in to the Polish culture. As well as helping internationals we see them as an invaluable part of the the community and full of talents and cultural differences which can enrich the local community. If you’re are an international living in Katowice and would like to volunteer for the Futpritnts foundation please click here.
As well as providing volunteering opertunities our activities for internationals include a weekly Polish café , trips and social events.
Polish cafe
You are more than welcome to join us for a trip around 3 Stawy with the aim of exploring more of the foresty area. We are meeting at the bus station Osiedle Paderewskiego Pomnik, Katowice at 6:30 pm (it’s the one on 3 stawy scate park) Monday the 6th of July. We will be dividing in to groups for those who speak Polish at an intermediate / advanced level and those who are at a beginning level. So don’t panic if you don’t speak fluent Polish 😀 Tea and coffee will be provided but we recommend bringing something to eat in case you get hungry. If you can’t find us or you’re running late you can call Andrew on 0048 736 850 190
Please note this is instead of Polish cafe and we’ll be organising trips every 2 -3 weeks so if you can’t make it this time. look out for the next event.

Polish cafe for foreigners – Mondays 7-9pm. – starting again in September
This is an informal meeting for foreigners to help them improve their Polish through conversation and games. The structure of the meeting is: half an hour is a time for chatting and explaining what we will be learning – the participants can speak in whatever language is comfortable for them (usually Polish or English), then we have an hour of games and conversation where all participants are only allowed to speak Polish and following this we end with a time for questions and discussion. We currently have two learning tables one for beginners and one for intermediate to advanced learners. The aim of the meeting is help foreigners living in and around Katowice to improve their Polish and integrate further into Polish society. It also gives the Polish participants a chance to get to know people from various countries and culture through the common language of Polish.
If you are living or around Katowice and would like to join us to improve you’re Polish you are more than welcome to join us every Monday from 7-9pm. N.B. If you want to join our learn Polish facebook group please get in contact.

Trips and social events.
At the moment as part of Polish cafe we will be organising trips to various parks and forests every 2-3 weeks . Follow us on facebook to make sure you don’t miss out. To give you a feel of the sort of events we run here is a list of some of our most memorable events .
- International Food Exchange.
Every few months we organise an international food exchange where the participants bring a dish which is from their childhood or cultural background and we share a meal together. It’s a great way to discover new cuisine and get to know people from different cultures.

- Walking Tours.
With the help of Angelika Nocon we organised an English walking tour in the old mining town of Nikiszowiec. She has lived there for the last 20 years and gave a personal account how the town has evolved to the tourist attraction of today.

With the guidance of the talented photographer Artur Szlesinger we also organised a photography walking tour of Nikiszowiec. And to keep the participants on their toes, there was a price for the best photo. The prize was the book “the black garden” which was won by Marta Poloczek.
- International Football Tournament
We were the co-organisers with ‘Katowice Internationals & GaragErasmus Foundation of a 6-a-side international football tournament which was held in Stadium Sląski It took place over 2 days with 16 National Teams from 4 different continents, playing in 4 groups. All the teams were made up from by internationals working/studying/living in Katowice and Silesia area. Morocco won a tense and well fought final beating the semi finalists Algeria 2-1.